I’m Back…With a Vengeance

I have been listening to NPR with politicians who are currently running. It is really making me feel HORRIBLE about the future American and International ‘World’ of my grandchildren BUT I thank God for the Hope in Jesus.

1. Members of our legislative branch TALK about important issues to us, the media and with groups who pay them to vote a certain way. They also have countless meetings all around the World, that are more vacation than work and and place it on their taxpayer tab. THEN they never vote on the issue because:

(A) they haven’t found a way they can benefit,
(B) they don’t want to go on record with a vote because it could have a negative affect on future elections for them,
(C) their party has taken the filibustering stance on the issue, etc.


Our lawmakers do not and will not take ACTION on many of the major issues our Country or the World faces. Many times they wait on Presidential Administrations to take action, when they profess to want and use their power.

Many lawmakers SAY they want control at the state level and make countless speeches about how ‘big government’ is bad for the country. On nearly every important issue, they sit around looking to one another (like little lap dogs with empty bowls and wagging tails) waiting on the Administration to take action or make policy. It’s a FARCE and it’s sad. Then, it gets worse!!!! They pick apart the plan of action they didn’t have the courage to attempt.

WHAT? Is this what we pay them to do? Is this the campaign promise they made to us? NO! But they DO know how to get their act together long enough to pass bills that ensure they are compensated well; far above and what would be acceptable compensation for anyone else. Even CEOs of corporations aren’t compensated this way, with full retirement plans after five years, and we accept it. You don’t go your job and we compensate you better than anyone else in our country. Wow!